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《但斌-时间的玫瑰》 作者:但斌




  We have noticed that when you enjoying a simple life(for example,living in the same residence for a long time, eating hamburger and drinking coke),your wealth has dramatically increased. So it is what that drives you to move forward and to pursue the unlimited wealth with unremitting efforts? During this process, is there something you always insist in your heart or mind without any change?Is there anything happened or anyone that has tremendously changed your?


  As a successful investor, do your achieve more happiness from your investment or from your family life?What kind of characters do you think should be owned by a good life partner or family member?As for those young people who are looking for her/his Mr. /Ms. Right or are newly married,could you give them some suggestions?Do these suggestions also fit for making friends, selecting partners or successors?


  You've mentioned several times in public that you are lucky to be a modern American. On the other side of this planet, after going through the 5 years bear market, the not so fortunate Chinese investors have experienced a bull market with index increase of more than 100% for two years. You've been to China before. how unlucky do you think of Chinese investors? China now is experiencing great trade surplus, currency appreciation as well as high inflation. Will the prosperity last for a long time?What can we Chinese do to avoid potential risks?


  You are inspiration for many people around the world. Thanks for your donation and we wish you a healthy and happy life. However,I think you also agree with me that donation is not a cure-all. Let's say the God granted us a nuclear-free world as you prayed. Along with the grant is an almighty note that you may use to help those not-so-lucy people, what do you wish be written on the note?

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